College Review 2023

Between August and October 2023, current and former members of the Emmanuel College community had an opportunity to share their true experiences, thoughts and feelings about all aspects of College life.

The College appointed an independent, leading figure and contributor in the university residences sector, Cam Bestwick to lead the Review to identify what is working well, areas for improvement and any suggestions that the College Community might have to enhance the student experience. The aim being to ensure that the College is forward looking, pursuing best practice, and supporting the wellbeing of the community.

The success of this Review hinged on participation, and the College is very grateful to everyone who took the time to provide their considered feedback.

Overall, the feedback and findings of the Review have validated some wonderful strengths in the College’s current culture. Emmanuel has so much to be proud of as a community, but as always, there is room for improvement.

The Review has captured valuable feedback and views which have directly translated into 16 forward-looking and opportunity-focused recommendations that will help the College to continue to grow and improve its culture.


Message from our

Message from our
Independent Review Consultant

Next steps

The College is committed to implementing all recommendations.

In Semester 1, 2024 face-to-face briefings with students and staff were held to discuss the findings and determine next steps which included developing an action plan.

Working with the College community and ensuring students had, and continue to have, a voice in this process is central to bringing to life the recommendations and creating change.


What was the reason for the Culture Review?

We are proud of the culture we have built here at Emmanuel College and recognise that we should be open to feedback about whether there are things we could be doing better.

As one of the first two residential colleges affiliated with UQ, we have always set the standard for college life, and we want to continue to do this for years to come.

We conducted an independent review of Emmanuel’s culture to ensure best practice in all areas of college life.

The review was not a rection to an incident or known issue, rather we are taking a proactive approach to establish a clear picture of where we are to inform recommendations of how we can grow and improve.

Why was the Review undertaken now?

The College became interested in an independent culture review approximately four years ago, but unfortunately experienced disruptive events at the beginning of each subsequent year (the COVID-19 pandemic and the Southern Queensland Floods).

Since the inception of a culture review, this year has been the first ‘normal’ year which could serve as an effective baseline.

How was the Review undertaken? What was the methodology? Who participated in the Review?

The review was conducted by an independent party who is experienced in reviews of this nature.

This year between August and October, 2023 Emmanuel College residents and their families, former Emmanuel College residents (alumni), our Board and current staff team, and other university stakeholders had an opportunity to share their true experiences, thoughts and feelings about all aspects of College life.

Data was collected from a range of sources including desktop reviews; a student survey; interviews and focus groups; written submissions; and direct observation. This data was then analysed through a robust framework.

Care was taken to ensure that all voices had an opportunity to be heard.

What areas of the College’s culture were explored?

The review process sought to examine College life from as many angles as possible, while being as data-driven and striking at the heart of cultural renewal opportunities for the College.

There were no specific issues the review was seeking to address.

Rather it provided an opportunity for current and former Emmanuel College community members to provide feedback about their experiences, including what the College does well and where it could potentially improve.

What did the review find?

Overall, the feedback and findings of the Review have validated some wonderful strengths in the College’s current culture.

The overarching finding of the review is that Emmanuel College is a commendable institution poised for further advancement.

We have so much to be proud of as a community, but as always, there is room for improvement in some areas.

The feedback received was grounded in a desire to succeed, and the challenges identified are those that stand in the way of our ability to reach our full potential.

What were the recommendations?

16 forward-looking and opportunity-focused recommendations were developed to help us to continue to grow and improve our culture.

Broadly, they focused on increased consultation and engagement with students, development of taskforces and programs to improve culture, enhanced approach to event management including around traditions, development of a student experience framework and increased participation in student exit surveys, review the role of our wing leaders, increased mentorship, and clarification of the College’s core values.

More information and details about the recommendations can be found in the report.

Will the College commit to implementing all the recommendations?

Yes. From the outset, we said we would implement the recommendations, and we remain committed to doing just that. We will work with Emmanuel residents to find the best way to do this.

Where can I read the full report?

The full report can be found HERE.

Why does Emmanuel College need to improve its culture?

Our mission at Emmanuel College is to provide a world class collegiate experience, the aim of this review was to ensure this is reflected in the college experience.

Only by exploring all areas of college life can the true picture be assessed, to ensure that as a community we are relevant, forward looking, pursuing best practice, and ensuring the wellbeing of the community.

Who can I contact for more information?

You can reach out to Principal/CEO Stephen Peake HERE if you have any questions or require further information.

What support is available to community members?

Anyone requiring support during this process should contact our Director of Wellbeing, Louise Hallo on (07) 3871 9100 or or reach out to one of the support services listed on the this webpage.

Support Services

This report raises sensitive topics in places which may be distressing or confronting to read. We encourage anyone requiring support to reach out to one of the support services below or your local support networks.

Need more information?

You can reach out to Principal/CEO Stephen Peake HERE if you have any questions or require further information.

Connect with us

If you are a member of the alumni community, and would like to stay in touch, please update your details here.